All stamps from Austria, Germany with territories, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are recorded, graded and shown in color. Following Austria, UNO Vienna is cataloged, including the white cards, envelopes and postcards.
All Austrian stamps from 1850 onwards have been recorded, graded and shown in color. Further sections of the Austria part include the annual compilations, the machine stamps, postage stamps, newspaper stamps, DDSG, telegraph stamps, court delivery stamps, clearing stamps, field post, Lombardy-Venetia, Levant, Crete, Bosnia-Herzegovina, postal stationery with value impression, aerograms, ÖTP- Exhibition cards and the Christkindl Christmas post office. Further cataloging takes place in the area of “dispenser stamps” and “crypto stamps”.
Germany is divided into the following sections: Old German States, German Empire, Ostmark, Allied Occupation, Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, French Zone with Baden, Rhineland-Palatinate and Württemberg, Soviet Zone, GDR, Danzig, Allenstein, Marienwerder, Memel Area, Upper Silesia, Schleswig , Saar area and Saarland, Bohemia and Moravia, General Government, Ostland and Ukraine as well as official stamps and machine stamps.
Switzerland is included including international issues, machine stamps, franking notes, cantonal stamps, transitional period stamps, postage and service stamps, postage-free stamps and telegraph stamps.
In addition to the general expenses for Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein also includes the expenses of the Austrian and Swiss postal administration, the machine stamps, messenger mail, Vaduz-Sevelen messenger mail, official stamps, postage paid slips, the Princely Liechtenstein Post and the postage stamps. Also listed are the personalized stamps from the Liechtenstein Post “dieMarke.li” as well as the collection sheets